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Posts Tagged ‘HomeBuying’

Who Pays For What When Buying a House: Buyer Edition

Who pays for what when you're buying or selling a house: buyer edition. So if you're buying a house, sometimes when you get excited you think about the process, and you're really focused on looking at homes and that whole emotional aspec...

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September Market Update and Q4 Predictions

Well, you've heard the saying "no news is good news," but really, there's not a whole lot of news, and depending on your perspective, of course, not much is that good. What a bummer that sounds like. I know, I know. But let's unpack it a bit. ...

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Are Mortgage Rates Keeping You From Buying?

Marry the house date, the rate, marry the house date, the rate. This is something that if you spend any time on social media, and you've even dipped your toe into thinking about real estate, you've probably heard or seen someone say. It's a...

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Why It’s (Literally) Always Price

So believe it or not, even in this market, pricing is incredibly important. And if you're wondering why your house has been sitting or why a house hasn't gone off the market that you've been seeing over and over in your search, if you're bu...

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Late Summer Market Update for the Richmond Metro Area

As the summer winds down (a bit at least), the market has not changed a whole lot from the last couple of months. Inventory is still tight, leading us to remain in a solid buyers' market. Check out the graphic here for a little snapshot of what...

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Dog Friendly House Hunting

So I have lots of clients, especially millennial clients, who frankly could live in a one-bedroom apartment for the rest of their lives and be totally fine with it. But the one thing that they're going to buy a house for... their dog. We...

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Closing Costs: Who Pays What??

I don't think there's anybody at all that thinks they can buy or sell the home and not spend any money between the contract to closing, but a lot of times people are a little confused about exactly who pays what and what are they going to h...

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