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Wait a Minute…I Don’t Want to Sell That with My House

If you’re thinking about selling your home and you have things, especially in your yard, you might be thinking, they’re not going to care if I take my great grandmother’s prized hydrangea that I moved to my house 10 years ago, think again. Anything, and that goes from the chandelier in your dining room to the shrubs that you brought from the old home, anything that you don’t want to convey, it is always better for you to get that out of the house before it goes to market. If you get it out before you go to market, you erase any possibility that the buyer is going to want that item that you have decided you want to take with you where you are going. So make sure that before you go, putting a sign in your yard, you’ve done a thorough walkthrough of yeah, both the yard and the inside of the house to ensure that anything you want to take is removed and not tempting to the buyer. Once upon a time, I had sellers sell a home, didn’t tell them this, they dug up all of the shrubs out front because they had just bought them and filled all of the holes with dead leaves. What happens in that instance? Closing can be delayed. It obviously causes some strife between buyer and seller, and was it worth the price of those little tiny boxwoods? I’m not so sure. So, better to be safe than sorry and make sure that you have covered everything you want to go with you and clear it with the buyer if it’s something they saw beforehand. So if you want to know what can stay, what should leave, what you need to notify your purchaser of and you’re thinking of selling your home this spring and summer, give me a call and we can walk through all of those circumstances to make sure that you not only get a contract but you get it to closing and you close on time.