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Posts Tagged ‘buying a home in rva’

Top Buyer Regrets: What to Think about Before Buying

If you're thinking of buying a home, you're probably talking to different people, doing some research online, hearing different opinions, and maybe stressing out a little bit about, "What if I make the wrong decision?". Yes, this is a huge ...

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What Type of Home Should You Buy

So you're thinking about buying a house, or a condo, or a townhouse, or something? How do you decide on what the right type of home to purchase is based on your budget and your lifestyle? First of all, a lot of people, with lower price range...

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Who Pays For What When Buying a House: Buyer Edition

Who pays for what when you're buying or selling a house: buyer edition. So if you're buying a house, sometimes when you get excited you think about the process, and you're really focused on looking at homes and that whole emotional aspec...

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What Even Happens During a Home Inspection?

So you want to buy a house and you definitely want to have a home inspection, but how does that whole thing work? So for the last few years, I've been saying, we're in a weird market, and a lot of people have waived home inspections. We'...

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Should YOU Get a Home Inspection

So great, waving an inspection is a great way to get your contract at the top of the heap in a multiple-offer situation, but should YOU do it? I am going to tell you that if you don't have some sort of risk tolerance, don't do it. But if yo...

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Let’s Talk about Referral Platforms

Let's discuss what I mean by "referral platforms" and what happens when you start your home search using one. Have questions? I'd love to help answer them! Find me on Instagram @cindybennettrealestate or send me a message with the chat b...

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Starting Your Home Search? (get off the internet!)

Are you starting your home search? Get off the internet! Here's why a lot of those sites that seem so terrific on the internet might not be the best place to really get going on that home search. You just start poking around and then the...

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